About Us
Who We Are?
Now in its 51st year of publication, The Christian Appeal is a monthly devotional magazine designed to honor Jesus and to celebrate our faith in him in a way that will be winsome and understandable to our non-church-going neighbors. Although the publishers are not ashamed of their own Christian roots, they try to submerge denominational distinctions in order to publish a journal that will minister to all those in any place who honor Jesus as Lord. The Appeal has no paid staff. The editors, writers, photographers, and circulation helpers gladly donate their time and talent. The magazine is free to all who request subscriptions. All expenses to publish and circulate the magazine are paid by faithful and generous donors.
Meet Our Team

Gene Shelburne
Senior Editor
Gene has been the pulpit minister at the Anna Street Church in Amarillo, Texas, for 46 years. For the past 40 years he has started every morning during the school year teaching a college-credit Bible course in Amarillo High School. In this teaching role he is an adjunct professor at Amarillo College. He has preached the word in dozens of congregations spread literally from coast to coast and in denominations of all stripes. He is the author and publisher of the Family Bible Study series of lessons. His words appear on the dust jackets and covers of dozens of bestselling religious books. His column “Cross Currents” appears in several newspapers, including the Amarillo Globe News. He has written four books, The God Who Puts Us Back Together, Expect the Light!, The Quest for Unity, and Families That Stay Together. Gene has served as president of his Rotary club and of numerous civic and community boards. He was secretary of the executive committee for the Franklin Graham Festival that came to Amarillo in 2000. His wife Nita is a retired registered nurse. They have a daughter Paula, two sons Jon and Audell, and thirteen perfect grandchildren.

Curtis K. Shelburne
Managing Editor
Curtis has lived, worked, and ministered during most of his life in the Texas panhandle, though his ministry in writing, speaking, preaching, and music has taken him and/or his words about the Word across our nation. Hailing from a ministry family (the son of a minister and brother of three ministers), Curtis grew up in Amarillo, Texas, and went on to earn degrees from Abilene Christian University (B.A., Bible) and West Texas A & M University (M.A., English). He is the author of the books How To Measure a Rainbow and Wing Whispers of Love, the narrator for the audio version of Wing Whispers of Love, and a contributing author of Unleashing the Potential of the Smaller Church. For 30 years he has served as minister of the 16th & D Church of Christ in Muleshoe, Texas. For 31 years he has served as Managing Editor of The Christian Appeal and for 22 years he has penned the “Focus on Faith” newspaper column which is also available as a weekly e-mail column and blog (curtisshelburne.wordpress.com). Music has always been a huge part of Curtis’ life and ministry. Since his first CD album, A Place of Grace, was released in 2012, he has sung over 100 concerts for many groups and churches. A second album, One Christmas Night, was released in 2013. Samples of his music are available at his website www.CurtisShelburne.com. Curtis has served as a dean for the Summer Excitement Youth Leadership School, a member of his local school board, and has been chairman of the Abilene Christian University Visiting Committee for the English Department. He also enjoys stained glass crafting, skiing, and motorcycle riding. Curtis’ wife, Juana, serves as the Municipal Judge for Muleshoe, Texas, and holds an honorary but well-deserved doctoral degree in making a wonderful home. They have four sons: Christopher (and his wife Shayla), Jeffrey (and his wife Amy), Stephan (and his wife Sarah), and Joshua (and his wife Danetta), and seven amazing grandchildren.

David Langford
Associate Editor
David has served for the past 27 years as a minister with the Quaker Avenue Church of Christ in Lubbock, Texas, and has also served as an elder there for the past 15 years. He has received the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Communication, and the Ph. D. in Family Therapy from Texas Tech University in Lubbock. He has also completed a Master’s degree in Ministry at Lubbock Christian University. In addition to his work at the church and Christian Appeal, he is an associate editor for Gospel Tidings magazine, and a frequent writer for various Christian publications. He is author of two books A Curse, A Cradle, and A Cross and The Divine Dilemma; a small group study Sanctifying the Season: Making Our Christmas More Christlike; and a Bible study curriculum for families and churches entitled, Faith Chronicles: Telling the Next Generation, all published by Ketch Publishing. He has been married for 32 years to Lisa Gomez, a graduate of Lubbock Christian University. An instructor of piano for over 25 years, she has also home schooled their three children.

Terry Grimm
Web Developer/Web Master
Terry is a graduate of Le Tourneau University. He has been in software development for 30 years and has worked for EDS, Ron Walker & Associates, Inc, backgroundchecks.com and CareNow. He is currently a Senior Consultant for Neudesic located in Irvine, California. Terry serves as an elder for The Branch Church at the Vista Ridge Campus in Carrollton, Texas. He is married to the former Janet Hollis of El Dorado, Arkansas. She is a school teacher. They have one son, Charlie, who is a 2016 graduate of Abilene Christian University.